Sunday, October 08, 2006


well. this is two days late. but better late than never. hee. just wanted to say thanks to all those cool people who actually remembered. haha. especially the twelve (i dont know? too many? haha. but you all know who you are) dudes who so sneakily acquired a copy of hl2 and gave it to me in a rather sneaky way. thanks peeps. that made my day. haha. damn nice to me arh.

well, and even though i didnt really want it, thanks jheeva hod guy for publicizing it to everyone and extracting wishes from them even from C! yea!. oh yea, and thank you prabs and jheeva for surprising me at potong pasir and effectively prevented me from training since i didnt want to abandon you two. haha.

Well, Chaplain TheVarnus did surprise me when i went his house. it wasnt the best day of my life, but definitely one to remember for quite awhile. especially after the crucial choice i made yest that left me with a rather dazzling white object. hehee.
and now, i have Company of Heroes in my posession to! and Dark Crusade this week! muahaha. half life episode 1 too! omg. and i suspect there are a few more things awaiting me when i go school tomorrow. haha.

but wasted. electric never wish me.
sorry karthik, i'll write your special post soon! been delaying it for quite awhile. but not to worry! oh, thanks in advance for the cds. hee.

aww. school tomorrow. and a long day. was beginning to get used to the whole holiday mood. haha. i'll have to leave training early so that i wont be late. plus, i have to do chem spa skill a! remember to do it everyone! haha.

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